
Time is 'limited'...why it's important to keep on drawing every single day...

 TIME IS ‘LIMITED’...; AND, THE IMPORTANCE OF DRAWING EVERY SINGLE DAY Always, I remain most intensely ‘aware’ that Time is, in fact, limited ...regardless of whether you are: 'young/middle aged/old'...that nothing and nobody on this whole earth lives, forever. After all, who truly knows what the vicissitudes of life could bring...nobody really knows how much longer they’ve got to live...or, even, if they will remain sane...or, in sufficient mental/physical health to be able to draw...sudden heart attack/arthritis/possible private, or, public transport accident/fight/-etc. So, every single day that I live for, and, didn’ least, ‘try’ and draw matter how well/or, badly it was me, has been just another day that has completely gone to waste short, whether famous or not/whether selling or not, I ‘live’ only just to draw.


LINKS ----- Table Of Contents:-  Auctions Buy Art Blogger Educational web sites Life Drawing My web sites YouTube ----- Auctions ----- Blogger ----- Buy Art ----- Educational web sites ... Lambeth College: (Brixton/Clapham/Vauxhall/-etc. centres) Morley College ----- Life Drawing LARA/London Atelier of Representational Art    ----- My web sites ...   ----- YouTube (My favourite artists...) Peter Jochems (My favourite art teachers...) Alfonso Dun

Q: Why become an artist...? My own art history...

Q : Why become an artist? A : The short reply is, quite simply, because there was/is no other choice.  It's my own belief that some people are born with an 'art-related gene'...; call it a blessing/or, a curse. -(You would not believe the amount of time/effort/money I spent on art throughout the amounts to, quite literally, £1000's of pounds...; and, frequently, money, I could ill afford to part with...; because, mostly, I remained 'unemployed'...?! As to time, I would happily look at/study/do art: 27/7/ nothing else matters in the whole wide much for being 'practical'...and, not letting your heart rule your head/or, financial pocket! Effort, I would draw absolutely ceaselessly when feeling 'inspired'...until when I felt my work just wasn't good enough; then, I would quit mainly through feeling totally 'disillusioned'/and, indeed, depressed, due to my own really poor performance...especially, when I com

Buying cheap VS expensive materials...

CHEAP VS EXPENSIVE MATERIALS There are 2 opposing arguments to using 'cheap' materials to go create art... 1>  Buy the best possible quality materials that you can afford...which, usually, means the 'expensive' stuff. 2> Save money by buying the 'cheapest' possible materials, instead. I mostly tended to go for option 2; though, I can see, sometimes, where this might be a bit of a false economy. When you buy 'quality' materials...; then, really and truly, it does make a difference to your drawings...a      quality  pen writes a lot more smooth/quality paper holds ink so much more, effectively...the same thing is true for 'quality' pencil/papers...'quality' paints/brushes/canvases.    The reasons why I deliberately choose to buy 'cheap' materials are... i> I was relatively poor; usually, 'unemployed'...I couldn't afford expensive stuff(if I could afford it; then, quite naturally, of course, I would buy nothing e

Hand Studies (A work in progress...)

 I have great difficulties learning how to draw hands, well; in fact, I still haven't drawn a single successful 'one' so far to date...?! But, anyway, I keep on trying... My lack of progress could, quite possibly, be due to the fact that I mostly tend to draw hands using my 'imagination'...; as opposed to studying learning how to draw 'real' hands, properly. -(The same above statement could be applied to anything else I attempt to it human body parts: hands/feet/heads/-etc.; or, landscapes/waterscapes...; I mostly tend to prefer working from 'imagination'.)- I feel conflicted between drawing 'designed' hands...which aren't necessarily real...but, still, are fun to draw...just let your imagination go; and, drawing a lot more highly effective 'real' hands. What I should have learn to draw 'real' hands, first; then, I can play with it using my 'imagination', only, afterwards; but, instead, I'm

Jesus Christ - Pen/Pencil/Digital drawings

STRICT ROMAN CATHOLIC UPBRINGING I was brought up strictly Roman Catholic...having been baptized as a baby; and, also, confirmed in my youth.  Way back in those days I was, quite literally, forced to go to church every single Sunday(my mum was Roman Catholic; and, I am an only child coming from a single parent family). ----- YOUTH/ADULTHOOD, REBELLION As an adult, however, I pretty much rebelled; and, decided to go entirely my 'own' way, instead. 1> I didn't feel it was necessary to go to church every single Sunday to pray; as you could pray absolutely anywhere you, simply, staying in at home/or, indeed, anywhere on the streets. 2> I didn't necessarily tend to believe in the Roman Catholic way of thinking, anymore; that there is only 'one' religion/and, therefore, 'one' way of thinking about and doing things. In other words, I felt it was perfectly ok to go and visit 'any' church to go and pray; including, Church of England/Prot